Adding questions to event sign-up

In addition to being able to customise the standard questions on an event's sign-up form, you can add custom questions for people to complete when signing up for your event, making it easy to solicit all the essential information you need before the event, and making event planning and management even easier.

In this article

Customising the fixed questions
Adding custom event questions
Managing event sign-up question responses


If you are offering catering at an event you'll likely want to know about any special dietary requirements or intolerances of those signing up. Or maybe you're running a conference and need to know the preferred media format delegates want your conference materials provided in, or the choice of the seminar they would like to attend. Or get creative and solicit feedback on how people heard about your event or invite people to opt-in to join your mailing list to be kept informed about other events. For events involving children and young people, you can customise the questions to make it clear whether you require parent/carer or child sign-up details and ask your all-important parental consent questions.

Essentially you can customise the sign-up user experience to collect all the pertinent information you need from your sign-ups to plan and deliver your event.

Customising the fixed questions

For events with signup enabled, four fixed questions are shown on the event page - Name, Email, Phone and Notes. You can Edit these fixed questions, perhaps to 'require' certain information from sign-ups or change the fixed question labels to better suit the event audience, or hide a fixed question that isn't necessary for your event.

For example, the Name question can be customised e.g. perhaps a Child Name may be more suitable for your event. A Name is always Required, so this field is always Visible.

The Email question can be customised - perhaps renamed to suit your event e.g. Parent Email. Remember, an email address is required for sign-up confirmation emails to be sent; however, you can set this field as Not required (no confirmation will be sent if the email address is left blank), or always Required, including for additional sign-ups added to the form, or only Required for first sign-up, but optional for additional sign-ups. The email field is always Visible.

The Phone question can be customised - perhaps renamed to suit your event e.g. Parent's Mobile. This question can be optionally set as Hidden or set to Required.

And finally, the Notes question can be customised - perhaps renamed to something more suited to your event - or even set Hidden if you don't want that option on the form.

Adding custom event questions

In addition to customising the fixed event questions, you can also add your own custom questions. From the Questions tab of your event, click Add question.

On the Add question pop-up, enter your custom question Name (max. 250 characters), suitably phrased, and choose the appropriate question response Type, and where applicable, add one or more response Options from which people will choose. Options can be re-ordered without affecting existing sign-up data, but deleting an option will remove that option data for all existing sign-ups. Optionally set a question Required where appropriate. For sequence events, tick Add to sequence to also add the question to other dates in the sequence. Finally, click Save to add the new question.

Continue adding questions as required. You can return to the Questions list at any time if you need to make changes. Notice the options to change the Order of custom questions, which is also respected on the Event Page sign-up form, and the options to Edit and Delete questions. While event questions can be added to an event sequence, once added they can only be edited or deleted on an event-by-event basis; it's not possible to edit or delete an event question for a sequence.

Important! Before making changes to existing questions...

Care should be taken when making subsequent changes to event questions where there are existing sign-ups for the event or sequence. Changing a question's response Type to a type with a different data format will result in the loss of existing question responses for that question. Similarly, deleting a question response option or deleting a question entirely will delete all response data for that question for all existing sign-ups.

Questions and response options can be safely re-ordered, but take care when adding, removing or re-naming response Options after sign-up has begun. Doing so may affect existing sign-up question responses and may result in a loss of sign-up response data.

Managing event sign-up question responses

Event question responses are retained against each sign-up in the event Sign Ups list. You can easily drill down to view individual responses to event questions. Question responses are also included in the sign-up confirmation email that is sent to the person signing up and in the sign-up notification sent to event overseers (if enabled).

You can view the detailed sign-up list at any time, including custom questions responses, using the View all signups option, Print or using the Download sign-up list option to export the list of sign-ups with question responses in a CSV file format. This report is helpful for event overseers and an events team, so they can plan or prepare accordingly.

You can filter the list of Sign-Ups using the Advanced Search filters, including certain event Question responses.

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